A place where I share my thoughts, short stories, poems, current inspiration, painting previews, resources, and other musings.

Shifting Your Perspective: From 'I Have to' to 'I Get to'
Shifting your perspective: From obligation to gratitude

Empower Your Narrative
Will you depict yourself through constraints and shortcomings? Or...
Will you depict yourself through aspirations and possibilities?
Choose Positivity!

Creating Art From the Heart: Designing the Book Cover for 'Dhup Chau' by My Mom.
The process of creating this portrait was a labor of love, a dialogue with her words, a silent conversation where I tried to capture her essence. It wasn't about achieving photographic realism; it was about capturing her spirit, her wisdom, and her grace.

On the Loom
Weaving takes time, the journey of self expression through the warp and weft is a meditative process, a place where I can celebrate the juxtapositions between colors and textures (of life)

A Journey of Balance, Wisdom, and Determination
To me Yoga is Yukti (Reasoning), Om (Beginning), Gyan (Wisdom), Agni (Fire)

Artist Mindset: A Catalyst for Innovative Leadership
Creativity is often seen as a talent possessed by a select few. However, it's essential to know that creativity is a not a mere talent, it's a way of operating.

Embracing Life's Imperfections
The drip cloth: A humble piece of fabric used to protect surfaces from drips, spills, and stains, serves a practical purpose. Yet, there are deeper lessons to be gleaned from this unassuming object.

All in a days work
Once upon a time, not so far away a poor shepherd boy named Nandu took his flock of Sheep to graze.
Embracing Polymathy
Embracing Polymathy: The aim isn't to become a world-renowned expert in numerous fields simultaneously, but rather to embrace a genuine love for learning and vigorously pursue it across different domains.