Making Complex Simple

A key aspect of art is learning to distill complex subjects into abstract forms. While many believe art is about capturing more detail, it’s actually about seeing less—identifying the core patterns amidst the noise, the essential forms within complexity, the few details that convey the most meaning.

Pablo Picasso’s *The Bull”, perfectly illustrates this. It is a series of 11 lithographs, showcasing the bull’s gradual transformation through stages of abstraction. The series begins with a realistic portrayal and evolves, until the bull is reduced to just a few minimal lines, capturing its essence.

The first lithograph in the series feels light and spontaneous, resembling a quick brush and ink sketch, with fairly accurate features and subtle shadowing

The bull gradually transforms into a more mythical creature, with exaggerated horns and a powerful, robust form, while the shadows grow darker and more imposing.

By the midpoint of the series, the bull begins to embody Picasso’s signature style, featuring abstract shapes and stylized, exaggerated features.

As the series progresses, Picasso further simplifies the form, straightening the lines and flattening the planes, pushing the bull toward greater abstraction.

The final lithograph is nothing but a simple line drawing to depict the bull.

One of the workshop attendants, had remarked on Picasso’s artistic process, noting that although he "ended up where he should have started," the Cubist master was ultimately "seeking his own bull."

Picasso elevated this idea by introducing the mythical bull between realistic and abstract depictions, representing an exaggerated perception of the bull. This highlights how perception shapes our unique experiences of the world, making art as diverse as the viewpoints it reflects.

Life, business or product management is no different!

The journey is about uncovering the essence and pursuing it with purpose and clarity. So here’s to all of us finding our own bull—cutting through the noise, simplifying the complexity, and honing in on what truly matters.


Mahish-Asura Mardini

