A place where I share my thoughts, short stories, poems, current inspiration, painting previews, resources, and other musings.
This poem delves into the fervor of desire, a bridge between memories and anticipations. It speaks to the eagerness to seize life's moments.
Creating, Connecting, and Captivating Audiences
As you persist in your efforts, a few individuals eventually pause, take a seat, and listen. It's a modest beginning, but in the grand scheme of the crowd, it feels rather insignificant.
Balancing Act: Art for Self and Others
I've often engaged in the ongoing debate about whether art should be created primarily for personal fulfillment or for the enjoyment of others. So, which is it? How can art simultaneously serve our personal needs and be appreciated by others?
The Allure of Online Art Sales
Creating and managing an online art shop takes time – a lot of it. Beyond crafting your art, you need to be a presentation pro. From captivating photos to compelling descriptions and savvy pricing, it's a blend of artistry and market know-how.
Understanding Gallery Commissions: A Balanced Perspective
Let me explain why. Most of us lack the expertise to both create art and effectively market it. These are two distinct skill sets, and the rules of commerce differ significantly from those of art creation.
The Influence of Constraints
The concept of the power of constraints has always fascinated me—setting limits for ourselves. When we work with a restricted number of words, colors, canvas size, time, or tools, we're compelled to create within those boundaries
Sign or Not to Sign: Deciding When Your Artwork Is Finished
Without a doubt, one of the toughest aspects of creating art is deciding when to stop. To truly finish a piece, it has to resonate deeply within me. And that sense of resonance takes time to develop, gained through countless hours of introspection.
Reviving Earlier Art with a Creative Idea
If you find yourself facing an overflow of inventory, especially older pieces that no longer excite you for display, how about giving those works new homes?
FeedingYour Creative Mind
In caring for your creative mind, it's crucial to understand how inspiration manifests for you
Evaluating Pay-to-Play Opportunities
Get to know who you're dealing with in the art world. Make sure it's a win-win situation, and aim to build strong, lasting relationships