Embracing Change: A Journey

You ever get that feeling when something you've relied on for ages suddenly hits a roadblock, and you're left standing at the crossroads of 'what now?'

Yeah, that's precisely where I've been lately – feeling a bit stuck. I'll be real with you; the past couple months have been a whirlwind of one project after another. I couldn't even find the time to think, let alone muster the mojo to create any artwork.

Funny thing, though, when my partner and I first crossed paths (almost 20 years back), I dropped this line: "I know things." Looking back on it now, I must have sounded like a total loon. What I meant was that I've got this deep intuition, and sometimes, I just sense stuff.

And let me tell you, this moment, it's different. This past week has been a hustle to get ready to paint. I've purged my studio, and it's all set for action. I've been jotting down these 'future pages’. Talk about feeling the energy shift, and let the magic begin anew!

I've carved out some precious time for myself, you know – TIME to think, TIME to paint, TIME to get back in sync with myself, and TIME to just exist.

I'm truly grateful for this breathing space, but I won't deny there've been moments of frustration. It's comfy to stick with what's always worked.

Leaping into the unknown? Not exactly my cup of tea.

But deep down, I know it's the leap I gotta make to move forward.

So, keep an eye out, folks. I'm eager to share my new creations as they come to life.

View from my Studio




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